Saving our Boys

Paperback – September 25, 2019

by Greg Griffiths (Author)

Saving our Boys


The practical application of recent research to improve outcomes for boys has been the focus of my work. Teachers/ administrators/ caregivers leave workshops with ideas that they can use immediately and processes that can be implemented over the longer term.

Techniques/ skills developed over more than twenty years of experience holding teaching and executive positions in both public and private education have been reinforced by study and research.

A considerable part of this teaching time was in behaviour disorder working with a referral rate of 9 boys to every girl. ‘Boys’ education’ has been a large part of my professional career.

Leaving teaching in 2002 for consultancy in this area, workshops and keynotes have been presented for school executive, teachers and parents across Australia and New Zealand to a variety of conferences, as well as longer term consultancy with individual schools.

In recent years there has been an increasing demand for parent and community workshops, which has been readily accepted as fundamental to raising healthy young men and significant to successful (school) educational process.

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